Connective tissue

Connective tissue kan jedhamu kunii gossa qoqqodama tissue afuurenni kessa tokko dha, kan hafaan sadeen immo epithelial, muscle, fi nervous tissue. Tissuen hunda yokan bayeen qoqqodama kana jalatti argaman:

  • Fakkii fi qarqarsa isaan qaban.
  • Mesoderm irra dhufuu isaani, bayinaan.
  • Ammalaa tissue lubbu hin qabneen qabachuun bayyinaan bekkamu isaanin, wal-fakkatu.

Dhigaa, cartilage, fi Lafeen yeroo bayee connective tissue jedhamani bekkamu, garuu tissue birra qoqqodama kana kessatti argaman irra adda waan ta'aniif, maqaa "connective tissue proper" jedhamun sadeen kuni kan biraa irra gargari bafamu. Qoqqodama embryonic connective tissue kessattille garagarummati jiraa; fuula kana irratti qoqqodami kuni akka qoqqodama sadaffa fi qoqqodama kophat barrefame argama.

Qoqqodama gulaali

Connective tissue proper gulaali

Connective tissue proper

Specialized connective tissues gulaali

Specialized connective tissues

Embryonic connective tissues gulaali

Gossa Fibersii gulaali

Gossi fibersii kaneen:

Rakoo (disorders) connective tissue gulaali

Rakoon connective tissue gargara bekkamanira; kunii immo kan dhalotaan dhufuu yokan kan environment (alla) dhufuu danda'u dha.

  • Marfan syndrome - dhukubaa genetic kana fibrillin sirii hin tanee fiduu dha.
  • Scurvy - caused by a dietary deficiency in vitamin C, leading to abnormal collagen.
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - deficient type III collagen- a genetic disease causing progressive deterioration of collagens, with different EDS types affecting different sites in the body, such as joints, heart valves, organ walls, arterial walls, etc.
  • Loeys-Dietz syndrome - a genetic disease related to Marfan syndrome, with an emphasis on vascular deterioration.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus - a chronic, multisystem, inflammatory disorder of probable autoimmune etiology, occurring predominantly in young women.
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) - caused by insufficient production of good quality collagen to produce healthy, strong bones.
  • Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva - disease of the connective tissue, caused by a defective gene which turns connective tissue into bone.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax - collapsed lung, believed to be related to subtle abnormalities in connective tissue.
  • Sarcoma - a neoplastic process originating within connective tissue.

Staining of connective tissue gulaali

For microscopic viewing, the majority of the connective tissue staining techniques color tissue fibers in contrasting shades. Collagen may be differentially stained by any of the following techniques:

See also gulaali

External links gulaali